Music of Cinderella

Tuesday 31 July 2012

Cinderella Disney Characters

Introduction: Cinderella
                        Lady Tremaine(Cinderella's Step mother)
                        Anastasia Tremaine (Cinderella's Step sister)
                        Drizella Tremaine (Cinderella's Step sister)
                        Lucifer(Lady Termaine's Cat) 
                        Jaq and Gus (Mice)
                        Prince Charming(King's son)
                        Fairy God Mother  
                        Grand Duke and the King 

Physical appearance
Cinderella is a beautiful seventeen year old girl with shoulder-length, bouncy burnt orange hair done in a French twist as seen with her iconic silver gown, which is later changed to blue. Her eyes are a lovely shade of cornflower blue and she has rosy pink lips. Her small feet are ideal to her famous glass slippers, of which the famous character she is based on is most well-known for.
Cinderella is made a servant in her own home and is constantly derided by her evil stepmother Lady Tremaine and two stepsisters. Although she is shy and romantic, she maintains hope through her dreams and always waits for her prince to come. She is hopeful to the idea that someday her wishes of happiness will come true. When her evil stepsisters and stepmother prevent her from going to the ball, she is unhappy and fears that her dreams will never come true. However, her Fairy Godmother appears and restores hope. In her childhood, she hardly went to play with other children because of her forced servitude. She adores the mice and birds as friends. She helps her little friends, and they love her dearly.

Lady Tremaine
Cinderella's father, a windower, anxious for his daughter to have a mother figure, married Lady Tremaine, who is described as "a woman of good family". She was a window herself, with two daughters from her first marriage. After years of living happily together as a family, Cinderella's father tragically died and Lady Tremaine showed her true colors: cold, cruel, and sadistic: pampering her own selfishly spoiled daughters, while forcing Cinderella to become a maid in her own home, causing the stately chateau to fall into disrepair. Lady Tremaine allows Cinderella to attend the Royal Ball, on the condition that Cinderella finishes all her chores and finds a suitable dress. When Cinderella actually finishes her work and appears ready for the Ball in a suitable dress, Lady Tremaine (indirectly, but intentionally) mildly mentions the beads and sash that Jaq and Gus stole from Anastasia and Drizella, provoking her daughters to cruelly tear apart Cinderella's dress, leaving her unable to attend the ball. When Cinderella, with the help of a Fairy Godmother, nevertheless attends the ball, her stepfamily does not recognize her, but Lady Tremaine notes a familiarity about her appearance as she dances with Prince Charming.
Anastasia Tremaine and Drizella Tremaine
1.Anastasia is portrayed just as awkward, clumsy, foolish, and bossy as her sister, Drizella. Anastasia also has enormous feet. During their music lesson, Anastasia plays the flute as Drizella sings but in the sequels she has a beautiful singing voice. Anastasia quarrels with her sister often, though they are united in their jealousy of and contempt for Cinderella. Anastasia's most common dress attire is the magenta coloured dress which she wears with a gold coloured headpiece and purple slippers and wears pink bloomers underneath. Her hairstyle is in multiple long curls which run down her back and sways when she moves. However, unlike Drizella, Anastasia's hair style changes throughout the film. In the very beginning, her hair is much shorter and the ringlets are tied back behind her head. When she sleeps and is preparing for the ball, Anastasia's hair is put into a bun. 
2.Drizella Tremaine is the light brunette haired older daughter of Cinderella's evil stepmother. Drizella wears a chartreuse or almost gold-toned green dress with center-parted hair ending in short sausage curls on the back, and a greenish or turquoise blue hair ribbon on her head tied up in a large, candy box bow. For the palace ball, she wears a multi-colored gown with different shades of aqua, turquoise blue, pale green, and jade green on the bodice, sleeves, and bustle, and wears a feather instead of a bow in her hair. In her second movie, her ribbon changes to green. After her downfall she is reduced to wearing a maidservant's frock. In live appearances, and in many book illustrations, Drizella wears a dress similar to that shown for the palace ball in the first film and wears green slippers and green bloomers underneath. Like her sister, Drizella has enormous feet. She is portrayed as haughty, abusive, sadistically cruel and highly unorganized. She is enviously contemptuos of Cinderella's success and beauty and often gets her into trouble. Unlike her younger sister, Anastasia, who changes her spiteful ways and develops into a kind and good-natured woman, Drizella remains mean-spirited and cruel, and never overcomes her hatred of Cinderella. She is also depicted as having slovenly eating habits in the third movie, where she samples the food and the wedding cake being prepared for her sister's wedding by shoving handfuls of it into her face and eating them noisily. In the sequels, though not in the original film, Drizella is exactly like a younger version of her mother.
Jaq and Gus
Jaq (real name Jacques) and Gus (real name Octavius) are two mice who serve as Cinderella's sidekicks and the deuteragonists of the franchise. Gus has a penchant for cheese and fine wine.Cinderella rescues the mice from traps and the cat Lucifer and dresses and feeds them. They perform many favors in return. Jaq seems to be one of the leaders of the mice, planning strategies to avoid the cat, sneak food, and help Cinderella with her ball gown. The other mice gladly follow his lead. Jaq is thin, with scruffy hair, and speaks a fast kind of pidgin English. Gus appears in the first scene of the film, trapped shivering in a cage where Jaq finds him and brings Cinderella to rescue him. Cinderella names him "Octavius," and calls him "Gus" for short. This is an example of an inside joke among the writers and (some) viewers of the movie. Gus is actually short for Augustus. In ancient Rome, Octavius was renamed Augustus when he became Caesar. Hence Octavius - Augustus - Gus. Jaq explains the situation to Gus, that Cinderella wants to help him, and Gus catches on and joins the mouse troop. Gus has a large belly that pokes out of his yellow shirt and seems to be a bit slow on the pickup, but brave in a pinch, and speaks even more broken English than Jaq, who calls him "Gus-Gus". Gus and Jaq are responsible for stealing the key to Cinderella's room from the wicked stepmother, Lady Tremaine, and freeing Cinderella to try on the glass slipper, which of course fits. While trying to steal the key, Jaq is stuck in Lady Tremaine's pocket and gets knocked around as she pats the key. Gus gets trapped in a tea cup and Lady Tremaine offers some tea to the Duke, with Gus inside. She begins to pour tea into the cup and it drops towards Gus's large belly. Gus sucks in his belly to survive, trembling and sweating, but in a moment the Duke says he wants none, the tea lifts, and Gus is safe (though he gets his butt burnt by the tea later when they get the key). They are last seen in the film in tiny palace uniforms, eating and waving at the wedding of Cinderella and Prince Charming.

 Lucifer is the Tremaines' pet cat. He has black fur and is depicted as a sneaky, wolfishly-wicked, manipulative and cheating mouse consumer.

Prince Charming
Prince Charming is Cinderella's love interest, he is a dark brunet, tall, and handsome young man. In the first film, he has no given name. It should be noted that Cinderella's prince is never actually identified in the film as "Prince Charming", nor is there any clear reason why he has come to be known by that title in the Disney vernacular. The only media where he is referred to as "Prince Charming" as of today is Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep and the attraction Prince Charming Regal Carrousel.
Determined to see grandchildren, the King organizes a ball for Prince Charming in an effort to cause his son to fall in love and marry, with every eligible maiden in the kingdom ordered to attend. At the ball, Prince Charming rejects every girl, until he sees Cinderella, with whom he is immediately smitten. The two dance throughout the castle grounds until the clock starts to chime midnight and Cinderella flees away from the castle, accidentally dropping one of her glass slippers. Prince Charming picks up the glass slipper and the next day a royal proclamation is issued, stating the Grand Duke will visit every house in the kingdom to find the girl who fits the glass slipper, so that she can be married to Prince Charming. After the slipper perfectly fits onto Cinderella's foot, Prince Charming marries her.

Fairy God Mother
The Fairy Godmother first appears in the film after the stepsisters tear Cinderella's gown to shreds before Prince Charming's ball. She appears in the garden, and transforms her appearance for the ball. She transforms the mice into horses, Bruno the dog into a footman, Major the horse into a coachman, a pumpkin into the carriage, and transforms her torn dress into a beautiful silver dress with glass slippers. Cinderella departs for the ball after the Fairy Godmother warns her that the spell will expire at the stroke of midnight.

Sunday 29 July 2012


I choose Cinderella story, because This story is a love and pitiful story.  Cinderella was a happiness girl last time, when her mother died. Her father get married to another woman. That woman have two daughter. Her step-mother and step-sister are very bad heart and cruel. They always call Cinderella do hard work at the house. After then that, Cinderella meet the prince and get married with him. Cinderella and prince lived a happy day.

The wife of a rich man fell sick, and as she felt that her end was drawing near, she called her only daughter to her bedside and talk to her Dear child, be good and pious, and then the good God will always protect you, and I will look down on you from heaven and be near you. Thereupon she closed her eyes and departed. Every day the maiden went out to her mother's grave, and wept, and she remained pious and good. After many years, the man had taken another wife.
Cinderella's Step Family

The woman had brought with her into the house two daughters, who were vile and black of heart. They took her pretty clothes away from her, put an old grey bed gown on her, and gave her wooden shoes.
They led her work into the kitchen. There she had to do hard work from morning till night, get up before daybreak, carry water, light fires, cook and wash. Besides this, the sisters did her every imaginable injury - they mocked her and emptied her peas and lentils into the ashes, so that she was forced to sit and pick them out again. In the evening when she had worked till she was weary she had no bed to go to, but had to sleep by the hearth in the cinders. And as on that account she always looked dusty and dirty, they called her Cinderella.
Cinderella cleaning floor

It happened, however, that the king gave orders for a festival which was to last three days, and to which all the beautiful young girls in the country were invited, in order that his son might choose himself a bride.
King and Duke

When the invitation to the festival arrives, Cinderella asks her stepmother if she can attend, since she too is an eligible maiden. Lady Tremaine agrees, provided Cinderella finishes her chores. Step-mother led Cinderella to the oldest part of the house and flung open a door. this dining room has not been used for years. Cinderella looked in horror in the dusty room. She would never finish cleaning it in time. Sadly, she went back to finish the floor before the massive task. as soon as she  had left the room, tiny voices were heard as Cinderella's mouse friend scuttled inside. The room is very grand, hard to clean it. After then that, mouse invited their friend's bird to help Cinderella cleaning the room.
The mice

 After clean the room, Cinderella asked her Step-mother can she go the party. She talk to Cinderella, you can go the festival, but you didn't have beautiful clothes and shoes to wear. Cinderella was cried, suddenly, the mouse asked she what happened? Cinderella say she didn't have clothes and shoes wear to party. Mouse call all bird come Cinderella's room to help she made clothes for she go the party.
Mice make the dress

When Cinderella wears her dress just before departing, her step-mother complements Cinderella's gown, subtly pointing out the beads and sash. Angered by the apparent theft of the discarded items, the stepsisters destroy the gown, forcing Cinderella to remain behind while her step family leaves for the party. At the point of giving up her dreams, Cinderella's Fairy mother appears and bestows upon Cinderella a blue dress with glass slippers, and transforms a pumpkin and various animals into a carriage with horses, a coachman and a footman. Cinderella departs for the ball after the godmother warns her that the spell will break at the stroke of midnight, meaning that her dress and everything else will change back to the way they were.
Cinderella's Fairy Godmother

At the ball, the Prince rejects every girl, until he sees Cinderella. The two fall in love and dance alone throughout the castle grounds until the clock starts to chime midnight. Cinderella flees to her coach and away from the castle, inadvertently dropping one of her glass slippers. After the Duke tells the King of the disaster, they plan to find Cinderella with the slipper they recovered during her exit.
Prince and Cinderella dance
Cinderella lost the shoes at the castle

The next morning, the King proclaims that the Grand Duke will visit every house in the kingdom to find the girl who fits the glass slipper, so that she can be married to the Prince. When this news reaches Cinderella's household, her stepmother and stepsisters prepare for the Grand Duke's arrival. Cinderella, overhearing the news, begins dreamily humming the song from the palace ball the previous night. Upon realizing that Cinderella is the girl who danced with the Prince, Lady Tremaine locks Cinderella up to her attic bedroom.

Cinderella  up to her attic bedroom.
When the Grand Duke arrives, the mice steal the key to Cinderella's room, but before they can deliver it they are ambushed by Lucifer. The animals alert Bruno, Cinderella's bloodhound, who scares Lucifer out of the house.
Lucifer and the mouse

As the Duke prepares to leave after the stepsisters unsuccessfully try on the slipper, Cinderella appears and requests to try it on. Knowing that the slipper will fit, Lady Tremaine trips the footman, causing him to drop the slipper, which shatters into hundreds of pieces. The Duke laments over the broken slipper, but Cinderella then produces the other glass slipper, much to her stepmother's horror. Delighted at this indisputable proof of the maiden's identity, the Duke slides the slipper onto her foot, which fits perfectly. Soon after, Cinderella and the Prince celebrate their wedding, surrounded by confetti tossed by the King, the Grand Duke and the mice.
Cinderella's step sister wear the shoes

Cinderella wear the shoes 

Cinderella wedding

Saturday 28 July 2012

Movie of Cinderella

Cinderella Part 1/8

Cinderella Part 2/8

Cinderella Part 3/8

Cinderella Part 4/8

Cinderella 5/8

Cinderella 6/8

Cinderella 7/8

Cinderella End